
Marketing. Communications.
Marketing: putting your product in the marketplace.
Communications: doing the above so people can understand what you do.

It’s something we do every day – advise clients on how to stand out by standing for something.

Construct cares passionately about the art of communication. Clarity and craft are cornerstones of every effort. Artless communication insults and alienates an audience; it proves that a business cares little about their message (and by implication, their customers). Continue reading

E-Mail Marketing

The simple act of having someone in the office surf over and sign up for a Constant Contact account can open a floodgate of troubles for the untrained. A pre-defined template is chosen; some text is forced in; some pictures are tacked on.

What happens? No marketing. No branding. And the whole process takes dozens of hours of productive time away from your employees. Construct can turn your E-marketing efforts into a way to reinforce your brand; to entertain (not annoy) your readers; and hopefully to open new avenues for communication.